We did a 250mi round trip yesterday to go shopping. :rotflmao:
Follow-up, I did some more searching and found that you have to enable "notifications" in the bluetooth settings to receive text messages on the...
My wife has an iPhone 7 and it connects to Uconnect, but it seems the "reply with text" function no longer works. The function used to allow her...
So, is the Adams foam shampoo good for the car and your hair? :) I need to wash ours today, we were all over central Texas yesterday....
Your welcome...... Now post some damn pictures! :rotflmao:
Everything is so complicated on cars these days..... But then, I'm so old, I remember being able to work on my car when I was a teenager. We...
Welcome from South Texas.
Exactly. Congrats on the purchase.
All about the deal..... that's what I tell my wife.... lol
Not shipped yet..... I hate waiting.....
The problem I have with buying a V-6 (or an electric car) is, you have drive it. :)
All I am saying is, as a South Texan, I find the concept of seasonal tire swapping bizarre. I'm 60, and until just recently, I had never heard...
On the bright side, I took the charger out for a spin around the block, it's been in the garage for a few months now.
Sorry, my reply started as a reply to LB's post, regarding the thing install and the tire swap. As an afterthought I added the tramp stamp line...
Nice. Ya'll still cracking me up with the wheel swaps.... lol I like the tramp stamp, too. :)
Stripes look good.
Sorry to hear this, sounds like a real nightmare.
You did better than me. I stopped being cool when my daughter hit junior high, the high school years almost killed me. I do agree you contribute...
Separate names with a comma.