When we bought our Scat, my wife mentioned to the salesguy that she would be removing the dealer logo from the back as she does not like advertising (without getting paid), When we picked up the car after they prepped it and filled the tank, I noticed that he had them remove the logo for us. I thought that was a nice touch. But the did include a chrome license frame with the dealer info on it. I created this one for my wife, as that was the only chrome item on the car. Metal black fame from Wally World, plus a metal Scat logo from e-Bay:
That looks great. I still have the plastic dealer frame on my car but I also still have the temp tags
It's funny, we bought the car on July 15th (Sat) from a dealer in Houston - ~200mi from where we live. They got the tags like on the 24th and mailed them to us the same day. They over-nighted them (which I was not expecting). We got them on the 25th - so I went ahead and put them on.
nice. I have the dealer frame too since I still have temp tags. I got mine about 250ish miles away. I live in CT and have a MD temp tag lol
I'm bad though. I still have the dealer frame on the truck and I've had my real tags for a long time now. At least they match lol
Mine was a transfer from another dealership. They removed the former dealer's stickers, and because they knew me, and my preferences, they didn't bother with a new one. Also, I haven't installed the front plate bracket. It's been almost 3 years.